Smoking story 1

It was a beautiful July day. Rhonda was sitting out on her patio enjoying her Marlboro Light 100. She had to hurry up and finish it before her mother got home at 5:30. It was 5:26 according to the clock in the living room, which Rhonda could see through the patio door. Her mother would kill her if she caught her smoking, even though Rhonda was stealing them off of her mother for nearly eight months now, but her mom didn't seem to notice that they were missing. Suddenly, Rhonda heard the front door open. Her mother, Mary, was home early. Rhonda hurried and took a triple pump before returning inside. Mary was just walking in the door when she saw Rhonda closing the patio door. "What in the hell do you think you're doing young lady?" Mary yelled. "You were outside smoking, weren't you?" Rhonda tried to act like she didn't know what her mother was talking about, but then she noticed. Smoke was still trickling out of her nose from that triple pump she had taken.
"Why were you smoking outside?" Mary seemed furious at her teenage daughter. "Where did you get the cigarette that you were smoking? You better not have stolen it out of my pack! Gees, first I catch you smoking and then stealing!" Rhonda's eyes filled up with tears. She ran upstairs into her room. She slammed the door and locked it. She ran over to the bed, covered her face
up with a pillow and just started crying.
She thought to herself, "Why can't I smoke? I like it. Mom does it, so I don't see what all the fuss is about it. Parents just aren't fair!" Meanwhile, downstairs Mary was thinking about what happened. She grabbed
her pack of Marlboro Light 100s, took one out and lit it. She decided to go upstairs and talk to Rhonda about it. She got up, grabbed her pack of cigarettes, and went up the stairs. Mary knocked on her daughter's door. "Rhonda honey, can I come in? I want
to talk to you" "Sure mom." Mary walked into her daughter's room, lit cigarette in one hand, and her
pack in the other. She sat her pack on the desk in the room and sat down on the bed.
"Rhonda, how long have you been smoking?" Mary's voice seemed calm and cool, so Rhonda picked her head up at looked at her mother. When she looked up,
she could see smoke flowing in two streams from Mary's nose. "About eight months," Rhonda replied.
"And how did you get started and why?"
"I always liked watching you smoke mom," her voice was still recovering from
rying. "I always watched you. I liked watching you take those big drags and seeing the look of relief on your face. I like watching those two streams of smoke come out of your nose when you exhale. Since it looked like you like it so much, I thought that maybe I would like it to, so I
stole a couple cigarettes out of your pack and tried it. I liked it mom, I really did. So, when you haven't been around, like in another room or whatever, I would steal a few cigarettes out of your pack. I'm really sorry mom, I am. If you don't want me to smoke anymore, I won't."
Rhonda began to cry some more. Mary sat there, stunned at what she had heard. She couldn't believe that her little girl had started smoking. She started to rub Rhonda's beautiful blonde hair, which was lying on her pillow. She also had noticed that the ash on her cigarette was ready to
fall off, so she grabbed a clay bowl that Rhonda had made in ceramics class
of an ashtray. She stubbed out her cigarette and pulled another two out of her pack.
"Rhonda," Mary said. "Here honey, if you want to smoke, it doesn't look like I am going to be able to stop you. You can have one with me if you like, I just want to make sure that you are doing it right." Rhonda once again picked her head up from her pillow and looked at her
mother with a puzzled look. She took the cigarette from her mother's hand and after Mary was done with the lighter, she handed it to Rhonda. Mary watched attentively as Rhonda lit up and smoked. She couldn't believe what she was looking at. Rhonda smoked exactly like her. She took the same cheek hollowing drags, inhaled the same way, and exhaled in the same matter,
letting the smoke flow out of her nose. "Well Rhonda, it does look like you know what you are doing," Mary seemed proud of her daughter. "Well I guess I can let you smoke whenever you want. Hey let's go out to dinner." "Oh wow! Thanks mom!" Rhonda seemed so excited. "I have to get ready and then we can go." She gave her mom a big hug as she was leaving.
About twenty minutes later, Rhonda was ready. They jumped into the car, and
immediately, Mary lit a cigarette. Then, she reached into her purse and gave Rhonda her very own pack. Rhonda gave her mother another giant hug and once again told her how thankful she was. On the way to the restaurant, each woman smoked 2 cigarettes. It was about
a half hour drive. When they finally reached the restaurant, Rhonda stuck
her new cigarettes into her purse and her and her mother walked in. "Smoking or non", the hostess said to the ladies. "Smoking," Rhonda chimed in. She seemed so excited. She had never smoked in a public place before, let alone with her mother.
As soon as the two sat down, they both lit up their cigarettes. They got some disapproving looks from some of the older people in the section, but neither of them seemed to care. Mary just sat there and watched her daughter smoke. She still couldn't believe that she was such a good smoker. She just watched Rhonda enjoy her cigarette and she still couldn't believe
the similarities between mother and daughter in their smoking styles. "Where did you learn to smoke like that?" Mary asked. "From watching you," her daughter replied. She took a drag from the cigarette. "I told you that I always watched you smoke, and when I decided
to try it, I thought that it would be a good idea to follow what you do."
The smoke trailed out of her nose when she was done speaking. Their dinner arrived shortly and after they were done eating, each lady decided to light up an after-dinner cigarette. Rhonda watched her mother light up and then watched as she took a drag and exhaled the smoke from her nose.
"Hey mom, why do you always bring the smoke out of your nose? I rarely ever
see you bring it out of your mouth."
"Well dear," the smoke shooting out of her mouth and nose as she spoke. "I guess its just because I've been smoking for so long, that I don't care if it does or not. I really don't pay much attention to it. I've noticed that you do the same thing. I haven't seen you bring it out of your mouth once today."
"Well mom," she replied, right after she took a drag, "I told you I copied your style!"
Both girls laughed and had one more cigarette. They left the restaurant and
got into the car where they both immediately lit up.
"Rhonda, I'm going to stop at 7-11 and buy you a carton of your own
cigarettes so you're not always bumming them off me. You want the same brand as these?"
Rhonda just nodded. They got to 7-11 and Mary went in and bought the cigarettes and a lighter for Rhonda. Mary walked out with them in her hand and gave them to her daughter. Rhonda hugged her mother again.
"Mom, you're the best mother a daughter could ask for", she said happily.
"I love you!"
"I love you too dear."

Smoking trick: blowing rings

One of the most famous tricks of all:
Although doing smoking tricks is by no means the healthiest party stunt you can pull, there's no denying that it's impressive. There's something very aesthetically pleasing about the way smoke moves, and being able to manipulate it with your mouth is a skill to master. Here's how.
Blow O's or smoke rings. To do this (and most smoking tricks) you should not take the smoke into your lungs but into your mouth instead. The reason for this is because you will need to retain the smoke much longer than if you were simply inhaling. Holding smoke in your lungs for these tricks will make you cough, and that doesn't look very cool. Use the muscles in your cheeks to suck in a full mouth of smoke, then form a tight "O" shape with your lips, making sure that your cheeks are stretched taut. Make quick, precise movements with your mouth to contract it slightly, and do this several time in succession. A stream of smoke rings should follow one after another.
Create another trick--blowing one smoke ring through another. Contract your mouth muscles to push rings out until you figure out how to make some O's large, some small, some fast and some slow. This will probably take a good deal of experimentation before you get it down. Position your head so that you're aiming at a downward angle. Blow a medium-sized, slower moving "O." It will drift upward and expand slightly as it floats up. Right before it reaches about the same level as your mouth, blow a smaller, faster moving "O." Keep practicing with the size and speed of your O's until it looks right.